What are calories?
Calories is a measure of the energy content provided by the fat, carbohydrates and proteins in food and drinks. Your body needs energy to breathe, move and survive. The term calories is generally used as a short form for kilocalories (kcal). On food labels, you will also see kilojoules (kJ) which is the equivalent of kilocalories under the international system of unit. One kcal is equivalent to approximately 4.2kJ.
The type and amount of food we eat determine how many calories we consume. Consuming more than you need will lead to weight gain. Conversely, to lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than your body burns each day.
How many calories do I need a day?
The number of calories you need varies depending on your age, sex, height, weight and activity level. For example, growing children and teenagers may need more energy. However, as people get older, their metabolic rate slows down and likewise their need for energy also reduces.
On average, an adult male requires 2200 calories a day while an adult female requires 1800 calories daily.
Caloric Calculator
You can use caloric calculator to find out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight. There are many caloric calculators available online. Here is one from HealthHub Singapore
Studies have found that when our body weight is at an unhealthy level, we are at higher risk of health conditions such as high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. So it is important to pay attention to your daily calorie intake.
How can I keep to my daily calorie intake?
Here are some tips on how you can keep to your daily recommended calorie intake and maintain a healthy weight:
- Have regular meals. This can help burn calories more effectively and prevent snacking
- Include more fibre in your diet. Fibre found in fruits, vegetables, and wholegrains, can help you feel full and maintain a healthy digestive system
- Use smaller plates at meals. Research has shown people consistently eat more when offered food in larger portions.
- Drink water. It has no calories and fill you up
- Go for healthier snack. Achieving your daily calories target does not mean you have to give up on snacking. Choose healthy options such as nuts, fruits or yoghurt instead of high calorie foods such as potato chips and crackers
- Adjust your calorie intake accordingly. Your recommended calorie intake is a daily target. If you overeat at any meal, be flexible and try to eat less at other meals
- Avoid eating 2 hours before bed: Eating within 2 hours of sleeping can affect sleep quality and promote weight gain.
- Exercise regularly. Exercise helps burn off extra calories. Take a brisk walk daily.
- Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep affects body metabolism and has been linked to weight gain.

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